Argon Academy

Argon Academy


As part of the Academy, we are organising a series of workshops where we share our experiences and knowledge about issues relevant to asset managers. It is practical, concise (approx. 1.5 h) and with an understanding of commercial issues.

I invite you to participate!

– Sławomir Lisiecki
partner | commercial real estate expert


1. Frequent faults affecting the asset manager’s work
2. Rental period
3. Negotiations – good practices, tricks, patents
4. Rent / indexation
5. Insolvent tenant (= in bankruptcy or restructuring)
6. Subject-matter of the lease
7. Service charges
8. Security in tenancy agreements
9. Contractual penalties in leases
10. How does bank financing affect leases (and the work of the asset manager)?
11. Arrangements
12. Problematic compliance issues
13. Electrical challenges (electricity consumption limits, price caps)


If you are interested in taking part in the workshop, please fill in the form below (we will set specific dates depending on the interest in particular topics). Please note that the workshop is conducted in Polish.
The workshop is dedicated to asset managers, therefore we reserve the right to select participants.

If you would like to attend the workshop in English, please contact us at